Functional Synthesis - FS
Hands on lessons where I slowly and gently move your body. I feel your current state of movement and provide your nervous system with new information and possibilities. I always stay within your current range, allowing your body to feel comfort from the movements.

How FS Are Scheduled
Length of each FS lesson depends on the individual and need.
Adults and most children – 45 minutes
Some children's lessons will end early based on their needs
New Client consultation and FS lesson – up to 1 hour
How Many Lessons?
This depends on your needs. Recent and minor strains or injuries may see results in a few lessons. I may suggest an "intensive" for more serious needs.
Many conditions will benefit best when received in clusters of lessons. New neural connections are very fragile and benefit the most from many variations around new information – this creates a stronger network of neural connections, enhancing your body’s response.
Mini Intensive
2x per day, 3 days in a row
Full Intensive
2x per day, 5 days in a row
Extended Intensive
2x per day, 5 days in a row, a break over the weekend (to integrate the new changes), plus additional days after the weekend.
1x per day may be scheduled for busy, working adults
Transformational Movement Lesson - TML
Instructor led classes or one-on-one - where I verbally guide you through your own movement lesson. Lessons vary from lying on a mat on the floor, sitting in a chair, and standing. TMLs are a great way to connect to yourself and your surroundings.

TML Classes
Classes average 45 - 60 minutes each
Props and modifications are always available to give you comfort with your body’s current abilities. Movements are slow and gentle, and done in a mindful way of feeling yourself and the space around you.
You will begin to move in ways that feel easier, lighter, and help to reduce inflammation. TMLs are also a great way to keep your brain young and vibrant.
Check Schedule page for current class offerings.
At Home Coaching
Online support for parents and caregivers. Allow the integration from your in-studio lessons to continue at home. Learn how to recognize old habits and to upgrade your experience at home.

1 Hour online sessions
I work with you or a caregiver over video conference. For parents and caregivers of children, I observe your interactions at home, and provide suggestions on how to connect with your child in a more meaningful manner, often brining more calm and learning into the home environment.
For adults I can provide TML lessons over video, as well as guide caregivers on how to support another adult through the video lessons.
* The At Home Coaching is not a training course of how to provide ABM movement lessons to your loved ones, and is not a substitute for the certified practitioner training.
DVDs, Books
and More
There is a fantastic library of products available for purchase at Products include books, as well as video lessons available on DVD and via digital download. Books are also available on Amazon.
NeuroMovement® For Your Busy Life (formerly Desk Trainer)
A series of short animated movement lessons that can be done at your desk. Done regularly, you will feel less strain, and more ease and vitality throughout your day. Feel more alert and energized at work! Program membership can be purchased at
* The product links listed above are provided to enhance the client's NeuroMovement® experience. Cheri Hidy and NeuroMatter Movement Studio do not have any affiliate links to the product sites listed above.